No baby yet. :( I'm scheduled to be induced at 7am this Thursday (day after tomorrow) unless Hank decides to cooperate before then all on his own. In the meantime, with the weather finally manageable I'll try to get a few last things done around the house and generally try to enjoy my last few baby-free days.
This may be my last post until Hank arrives, so here are a few funny pics that I took recently and hadn't posted yet.
Here's my bro, Christian, planking my Mom's couch on the day we moved her |
Here's my hubby, Julian, skanking it up in the carrot costume we found among my Mom's things |
My nephew, Ashton, planking the bbq at our annual Hunger family reunion |
No baby yet. :( I'm scheduled to be induced at 7am this Thursday (day after tomorrow) unless Hank decides to cooperate before then all on his own. In the meantime, with the weather finally manageable I'll try to get a few last things done around the house and generally try to enjoy my last few baby-free days. We saw Contagion last Sunday (but I was so uncomfortable with him up in my grill that it was hard to enjoy at times). I've been walking an hour every morning, hoping that helps (plus the dogs are loving it!). Today I'm hoping to get some yard work done and other fun housework.
Planking is all the rage in Hungerville?!? Amazing!