Welcome to Heidi's blog......Tales of life in Portland with my baby, Hank.

Friday, January 21, 2011

This week........

So I haven't posted much this week -sorry to anyone that is actually reading my blog once in a while!  Last weekend we went to dinner at East Burn with our friends Monique, Chris, Andy & Susan.  Yum!  I love that place and have to go back soon.  Plus there was a band that turned out to be really good - they played in the dining room so we couldn't really avoid them - so that was lucky.  They were called Kung Pow Chicken (sp?) and were a 4 piece that played sort of 20's ish jazz.  Really good - I'd like to see more of them.

Saturday and Sunday was lots o' football watching - our friends Hayley & Jamey came over Saturday and we watched the 2 football games.  Sunday my family came over and we cheered the Bears on to victory over the Seachickens!!!!  Anne & Em and I did a NY Times Square puzzle too - all in one sitting - we're awesome.  Monday I had off for MLK Jr. day - got a haircut, my friend Monique and I got lunch, then I cooked Thai soup for weekday lunches (turned out great!) and quesadillas for Monday & Tuesday dinner.  Tuesday night we had bowling league and we kicked butt- I think we won all 3 games (and if we didn't I doubt the people we played will read this).  Wednesday we made a tuna casserole and didn't do much.  Thursday our friends Amanda & Chris came over for dinner and we made veggie pot pies, mashed potatoes and steamed brussels sprouts.  Tonight - Julian and I plan on not doing much, getting dinner and maybe watching Portlandia - I recorded it before I left for work this morning.

Saturday - I'm getting a pedicure - only my 2nd ever.  It sounded nice and my feet need help this time of year!  Need to do our grocery shopping sometime Saturday.  Then we're going to Lucy's Table to finally celebrate our 20th anniversary (not wedding, just total time being together).  Sunday - more football!  My family will come over to watch the Bears defeat the Packers.  Julian's parents are coming over that night and we're going to dinner. 

Go Bears!!!!!!

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