Julian and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary a few weeks ago, which coincided well with planning a trip somewhere. We'd talked about going back to NYC for a really long time. We had spent our honeymoon there, and had each been there once since then (me with my sister, and him with his band), but had never been back together. So this seemed like a good time to go, and this time we'd have a baby, so we knew it would be a little different type of trip (no Broadway shows, or bars, but we're not really bar people anyway).
We were a little freaked out about this trip - we'd never flown with Hank before, not to mention having a baby out and about all day (no idea how naps would fit in). Oh, and there was managing the subway with a stroller.
But Hank was awesome on the plane, and got loads of attention. And the subway was no problem at all - I managed Hank, and Julian managed the stroller. It all worked out so well that we feel brave now, and are going to Sedona, AZ, and the Grand Canyon in less than a week for our last vacation of the year. The only bad thing that happened was that Hank got a 102 degree fever for the first two days we were there - thank goodness for drugs.
In NYC stayed at the Larchmont Hotel, the same place we stayed on our honeymoon. It's only $149/night, so you know you're giving up some amenities. We had a sink in our room, but there was only a shared toilet and separate shower stall down the hall. But it's in an AWESOME, beautiful, Greenwich Village location. We could walk to tons of stuff, and even walked to the Empire State Building and beyond one day.
This time we wanted to do a stuff that we'd never done before, but had to do some stuff again, too.
Here's some pics from our river cruise, which was so cool.
Some cool buildings on the Brooklyn side. |
Housing projects along the river. |
Awesome view of the Statue of Liberty. |
Here are some pics from Central Park.
In Central Park, you can see Belvedere Castle way in the background. |
Having a good time walking through Central Park. |
Here we are, trying to navigate the subway. |
The Guggenheim Museum (not that great). |
Getting some breakfast. |
Here we are in Brooklyn.
Someone was very grumpy this day. |
We got some pizza from the famous Grimaldi's. |
And walked back to Manhatten across the Brooklyn Bridge. |
Here we are at Chelsea Market - famous foodie place with tons of food shops & restaurants. |
We got to walk to Obscura, where the tv show "Oddities" is filmed. |
Another pic at Obscura. Check out the two-headed calf in between us. |
Hank's favorite thing on this trip - Ibuprofen! |
Hank really liked to practice walking. |
The Belgian fry shop we discovered 10 years ago was still there. |
The Naked Cowboy was still in Times Square. |
Here's the pics from the awesome Times Square Toys R' Us.

Life-size Lego Hulk! |
Hank liked my Spidey mask. |
Huge Jurassic Park dinosaur. Very cool. And it moved and made monster noises. |
Insane Ferris Wheel inside the store! |
We wanted Elmo, but the other two crowded in so they could demand tips. |
The Flat Iron Building |
Here's pics from the top of the Empire State Building.