Last weekend some girlfriends came over with their lil' ones to drink some wine, eat some food, and let the kiddos play. This marked Hank's official first time ever sitting up on his own! My Mom is to thank. She sat him up with Oliver and Miyu, and Hank saw how it was done and made it happen.
My friend Sheila brought Oliver (9.5 months old), Yumi brought Miyu (9 months old) and Hayley brought her sweet little newborn, Elsa. My sister, Anne, brought her daughter/my niece, Scarlett (2 years and 4 months old).
Scarlett is a livewire - she provides a glimpse at what the rest of us have in store for us. As soon as she comes over she has to be the center of attention. When she isn't throwing Hank's socks down the heating vent (her new little game), she's stripping down to her diaper, jumping around and generally being a crazy (but very sweet) toddler.
This was Hayley's first outing with just her and Elsa (she's brave!) since Elsa was only 2 weeks old. And they had a great time (well, I think Hayley did at least, Elsa mostly slept of course). I hope these guys all stay really good friends.....
Oliver (left), Hank, and Miyu |
Yumi (with Miyu), Sheila (with Oliver) and my Mom (with Hank). I did warn Sheila that this would be a sexy picture of her. |
Miyu, Hank's future girlfriend, who loved hogging the toys - what a cutie pie |
Here's proof - Hank watching Miyu - look, no hand's, it's all Hank! |
My sister, Emily, with Yumi and Miyu |
New mom, Hayley, with 2 week old Elsa - I had to take a picture quick while she was awake |
Hank checking out Oliver - probably trying to figure out how to do that next. |
Me with the sweet little bundle, Elsa |