A couple of weeks ago we spent a few nights at the beach. Before going on maternity leave I remember thinking how we'd be making all these outings - wine tasting, beach trips, karaoke, going out to eat a lot, etc.
Well, reality hit and I realized that having a new baby means spending a whole lot of time at home. Especially a super cranky baby. It took us a bit, but we finally realized that Hank had what's called "purple crying". This is an acronym for:
P - peak crying (peaks around 2 months)
U - unpredictable
R - resistent to soothing
P - pained look on face
L - long bouts of crying
E - evening crying
This was Hank, absolutely. And it was beyond frustrating and nerve wracking. Both Julian and I were in tears so many times trying to figure out why he was crying so much and how we could make him stop. When Hank was awake he was crying. And just before 2 months he got a whole lot better. Now when he cries it's usually for a reason we can pretty much figure out.
So, needless to say, we didn't leave the house much in the first few months. We're still a little freaked out to take him out to a restaurant, or anywhere there are many people to hear his freak outs (because I believe he's one of the world's loudest babies). Things are getting better. But being at home, or a friend's home, saves us money, too.
Julian's parents were nice enough to let us use some of their timeshare points and we stayed for 2 nights at the Seaside timeshare. This place was super nice: a 2 bedroom with a full kitchen and balcony with oceanview. And best of all - it was free!
J Dog and me (holding Hank) |
Anne (holding her daughter, Scarlett), Emily, Hank and me |